Areti Bank participated in the UNEP FI 2023 North America Regional Roundtable

To discuss the current state and define the future of sustainable finance in the North American region, Areti Bank participated in the North America Regional Roundtable 2023 held in Toronto, Canada, on March 1 and 2. The event brought together members of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and various banking institutions […]

Sustainability and innovation in the business world

Creativity and innovation are crucial to uplifting business organizations and environments in the contemporary business world.  Both elements allow for addressing customer demands and lifestyles while creating greater opportunities in each market sector. A clear example of creativity and innovation in eco-industrial development is the Kalundborg Symbiosis. Considered the first model of symbiosis of energy […]

What is a credit score and how to achieve it?

A credit score is a value that measures a person’s reliability. Based on credit history, it determines the likelihood that a person will pay his or her obligations. Payment history, credit utilization, credit history and types of credit accounts are some of the variables involved in the credit score calculation. The FICO® Score, which ranges […]

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