Areti Bank Elevates Governance Standards through Global Alliance for Banking on Values’ Governance Academy

We proudly announce our participation in the prestigious Governance Academy program organized by the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV). This transformative program brought together values-based banks from the US, Palestine, Spain, Canada, and beyond to enhance governance practices within the industry.

The six-month long Governance Academy program served as a pivotal opportunity for Areti Bank to bolster its governance framework and strengthen its commitment to sustainable and ethical banking practices. The program’s culmination was an impactful in-person session held during the Annual Meeting of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values, hosted in New York from April 16th to April 20th.

Areti Bank was represented by Heiner Speich (Chairman of Areti), Tulia Hernández (Executive Director of Areti), Dimas Palmar (CEO of Areti), César Hernández (Chief Business Officer of Areti), Gustavo Núñez (Executive Director of Areti) and Yasmina Vucina (Chief Sustainability Officer & SVP Strategic Partnerships of Areti).

For Areti Bank’s board, this program proved instrumental in fostering a culture of excellence and accountability. Through immersive workshops, interactive training sessions, and thought-provoking discussions, the board members gained profound insights into the nuances of governance specific to values-based banking. The program’s comprehensive curriculum covered areas such as transition to a values-based economy, basics of good governance, ethical decision-making, transparency, and accountability, ensuring that Areti Bank’s governance practices aligned with its core values.

The in-person session at the Annual Meeting of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values was particularly transformative for Areti Bank’s board members. It provided a unique platform for face-to-face interactions and knowledge-sharing with their counterparts from other esteemed values-based banks. This unparalleled experience allowed Areti Bank’s board members to glean wisdom from diverse perspectives, exchange ideas, and draw inspiration from successful governance practices implemented globally.

“Participating in the Governance Academy program by the Global Alliance for Banking on Values was a transformative experience for Areti Bank. We were able to strengthen our governance practices, gain valuable insights from industry experts, and forge meaningful connections with our peers. This program reaffirmed our commitment to sustainable banking practices and has empowered us to create a positive impact on the communities we serve”, says Dimas Alberto Palmar Hurtado, CEO and President of Areti Bank.

Areti Bank recognizes that its responsibility extends beyond its own operations and seeks to inspire positive change within the global banking community. By sharing its experiences and learning from other values-based banks, Areti Bank continues to contribute to the advancement of ethical and sustainable banking practices worldwide.

About the GABV

The Global Alliance for banking on values is an organization that brings together financial institutions with values and a shared mission to generate positive results for the environment and society.

Each year the GABV member banks are convened to explore the various actions each alliance member bank is taking to help transform the banking system into a value-driven one.

Through value-based banking, people are placed above profit. Money is used to generate economic, social and environmental development. Unlike traditional banks, values-based banking offers loans and services to sustainable projects, individuals or entrepreneurs with a positive impact on communities and the environment.

For more information: www.gabv.org

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